Keeping House, Misc. Update

Failure, Furbabies, and Paula Abdul

Yesterday I had energy. Real energy that others must have every day.  I do not drink coffee and I have stopped drinking soda because I am an addicted idiot and trying to lose weight.  This season of change I am in is all encompassing.

Three Tuesdays a month I can work from home, which is awesome! No commute, use less gas, pajamas or sweats all day, no makeup.  I can’t be more thankful for the flexibility.  When M was in dance class I purposely was able to schedule it for early Tuesday evenings because I was able to pick her up and take her without being rushed AND we still had time for a decent amount of downtime at home before bed.

A lot of the time I plan on catching up on laundry when I work from home. It doesn’t require a lot of time and when I am home I actually work faster at some of my tasks, plus I don’t have the ability to get distracted or talk to coworkers.  That sentence said “plan” because it rarely happens.  Lately, Trey has been off on Tuesdays which means he is around and in my face if I move from my spot at the computer.  Yesterday with the work from home day, ENERGY, and Trey at work I felt confident.

I did 4 loads of laundry and ran the dishwasher. On the fifth (and last) load of laundry I removed the clothes from the dryer, opened the washing machine, poured the detergent in… and realized I forgot to move the laundry that was in the washer into the dryer.  I had just poured detergent all over the clean wet clothes.  I was livid.

Then I went to empty the dishwasher… the dishes were wet but not even slightly clean. I looked at the settings, somehow I had chosen just a light rinse cycle.  More time wasted!

Meanwhile every time Trey called me from work he was stressed and I didn’t feel right dragging him into my ditzy problems. I do feel like when he needs to vent I have a tendency to vent over him.

During lunch I went into M’s room to dust and vacuum. I absolutely adore her bedroom (I may or may not spend more time in there then she does awake).  I cracked the window to let the fresh air in for the rest of the day, it was one of those Midwestern days were it was a chilly 60 degrees.  Too warm for heat but too cold for windows to be all open.  One of our dogs, Weasley, sleeps in her room with her so the room definitely needs to be aired out when possible.

Near the end of the work day I went back to the dishwasher and realized it did that same darn rinse cycle AGAIN. Trey and M walked into the house and I pounced.  Ranted about why do I try and do anything productive, everything I do makes things worse… Cried a whole embarrassing  set of angry emotions with an ugly cry face.  My five year old may have said, “calm down” but I chose not to hear it.

Trey, ever the clever one went to the dishwasher and hit the normal cycle and it immediately changed it back to rinse. He did this several times until I screamed (sorry) at him to stop.  I passive aggressively yelled that I would look up the make and model of the dishwasher to see if there was a way to reset it.  The cancel button seemed to do nothing.  Trey looked frightened.  There I was in sweats, work papers all over the kitchen table.  Loads and loads of clean but not put away laundry all around me.  Oh and the cry-yelling.

I did end up finding something to reset the dishwasher (fingers crossed). When it was bedtime M saw that her room was all clean.  She was very appreciative and sweet.  She also did an amazing job putting her clothes in her dresser.

Before Trey and I went to bed he apologized for not realizing how much I had done (or tried) around the house. I apologized for being a lunatic.

Anxious insomnia set in and I was up playing solitaire on my phone until almost 2 in the morning. I am horrible at solitaire $-12,000 Vegas style.

Trey woke up at 3 AM to get ready for work when I heard yelling and Weasley burst into our bedroom and jumped basically on my head. I had just fallen asleep and wasn’t able to understand what was going on.  Then as Trey is yelling at Weasley (which feels like me since he was up by my head) had pooped all over M’s room.  The. Room. I. Just. Cleaned.  The room that not only was just cleaned but also the one thing household productive wise that I didn’t screw up.

One step forward two steps back. Thanks Weasley!

My husband is really into Harry Potter – Weasley is red.  I cannot take any credit for the name.

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